Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Juno Leopardi Chapter 7

Juno (35), Jade (34)
Their kids: Phillip and Stewart (twins) (8)
Jade and I have been feeling a little bummed out lately. It seems that all we do as a family is work and go to school. Jade and I have decided to splurge a lil bit and go on a mountain vacation.
We planned it and packed our bags. The boys were more than excited about taking this trip.
The food was great. Sure we could have fished or god forbid gone hunting but what for? We had this great little stand and we ate comfortably. Although I do have to admit it was a tad bit cold.
The boys were busy bug collecting and playing on the campground. It was at these moments when Jade and I would get some alone time. We really took advantage and were making love like crazy!
We sat around the campfire and told stories about how we met and how they were born. My sons are getting older because soon they were talking about going to high school. Give me a break they are only 8.
Even though it was cold, Jade convinced me to go tanning. Sure we were getting a little blue but in the end she did get a tan. I just got the chills.
We got back home and I guess our vacation really relaxed us. I found out that I was pregnant. Jade was shocked because we weren't planning on babies right now. I figure its a good time. The boys are 8 and they can help out a little bit.
I helped the boys do some snow men in the front yard. Jade loved the surprise when she got home.
Jade insisted on having a baby shower for me. I could not resist having all this attention on me. I was 7 months and was due in two months time!
My brother Rodrigo came by with his boyfriend Cole. I really like Cole. He and Rodrigo have a beautiful relationship. It seems that almost everyone is dating or has a partner.
I went upstairs and to my surprise Ivan was playing the violin. He said that he was feeling nostalgic about not playing.
I am worried about Ivan. He and Beatrix (his quad sister) always had bad blood. It seems that they put this past them but Ivan is still alone. He says he's dating but his current girl couldn't come. I made him promise to come around more. He promised he would and said he was happy to see me so happy.

My happiness was short lived. It happened in matter of minutes. I woke up Jade and told her that something was wrong. We went to the hospital only to find that our baby was still born. They asked if we wanted to know the sex and I said no. I get up at night with nightmares about it. Jade consoles me but its not enough. I keep wondering what I did wrong. The doctor says im 35 and its difficult to carry a pregnancy.
I had some time off and when I am alone I cry about it. I know I need to focus on my kids. No one really knows how I feel. Jade says if I want we can try again but for now I just want to heal.
Poor Stewart comes home and hugs me. He tells me that he loves me and does not want to see me sad. My baby boy is so caring. I have to get through this for my family.

Author's note~~~~~~~
Juno was all set to give birth the next sim day. I guess her baby shower took a toll on her. I was shocked to get the pop up that said she had suffered a miscarriage. I was tempted to exit without saving but then I wouldn't be true to myself. Sadly enough she is still red.

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